Party in the Art Room Blog

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How to Create Unique Textures in Mixed Media

How to Create Unique Textures in Mixed Media

If you’re interested in learning how to create unique textures in mixed media, you’ve come to the right place! I’m going to walk you through the process of mixing up a plethora of basic textures for your artwork. Remember to use these tips with your students and in your own practice. You will get return on your investment in this media by greater engagement in the learning process and retention of skills.

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How to Create a Safe and Supportive Learning Environment in the Classroom
School Leadership, Thought Leadership, pedagogy Amanda Koonlaba School Leadership, Thought Leadership, pedagogy Amanda Koonlaba

How to Create a Safe and Supportive Learning Environment in the Classroom

With the increasing awareness of trauma and its effect on the brain, there has been a new focus on creating a safe and supportive learning environment in the classroom. But what does this actually mean? What do teachers need to know in order to create that kind of space? This blog post will explore what trauma is, how students can react to trauma, and what teachers can do to create a safe and supportive learning environment for students who have experienced trauma.

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How to Fund Arts Integration
School Leadership Amanda Koonlaba School Leadership Amanda Koonlaba

How to Fund Arts Integration

Arts integration is a crucial component of joyful learning. Making arts integration training a priority in schools could immensely improve the experiences of students and teachers. Arts integration brings joy to students. After all, teaching is not effective if it's not joyful. Let’s talk about funding this option!

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How to Choose Artwork That Won’t Trigger Your Students
School Leadership Amanda Koonlaba School Leadership Amanda Koonlaba

How to Choose Artwork That Won’t Trigger Your Students

So, how do you choose art prints that won’t trigger your students? The truth is that you don’t. We can't avoid all triggers for students because it's not in our power. We don't know what triggers each student in our care, so we can’t always avoid them. 

We can avoid general universal triggers like violence, but we can’t avoid the more subtle ones. However, you could rely on knowing your students and their surroundings. You can help students work through their triggers. 

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6 Key Understandings About Arts Leaders as School Leaders

6 Key Understandings About Arts Leaders as School Leaders

School leaders are able to impact the arts much more than you’d think. Being an instructional leader, or leader of instructors, involves leading the teachers in understanding creativity and using the arts in their classrooms. Because of your teaching experience, you are in a position to leverage those 21st century skills for teachers.

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Let’s kickstart learning together

Motivate your staff to teach in a whole child approach.