Party in the Art Room Blog
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4 Ways Art Can Help You Get Better at Math
Studies prove that a student’s involvement in art education can directly improve their math achievement scores. When it comes to building foundational skills in math, art can provide opportunities for younger children to develop a strong base to build on. These drawing prompt workbooks can help!

Boost Creativity with these 7 Center Activities: Arts Integration Ideas Inside
Ever found yourself wondering about how arts integration can boost creativity in the classroom? This post is crafted for every creative teacher out there – whether you're an art teacher weaving connections into general ed classrooms or a gen ed teacher on the lookout for fresh ways to teach your content through art. Get ready to explore these 7 Center Activities, and for each resource, I'll share a practical arts-integrated tip to spice up your teaching game.

The Artistic Guide to Fact Fluency for Every Math Teacher
Math fact fluency is always a challenge for students, but art can give them each what they need to be a math fact pro!

One Surefire Way to Turn Fractions into Percentages Using Beautiful Quilts
Want to teach students how to turn fractions to percentages…while also engaging them? In this blog, I’ll show you how you can use an art quilt lesson to help your students with fractions and converting to percentages.