Party in the Art Room Blog
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5 Ways to Build Your Child's Fine Motor Skills Before They Begin School
Developing fine motor skills is an activity that is often attributed to children from birth to 4 years of age. Children who may be close to entering school can benefit from activities that help build the fine motor skills they will rely on in their first year of schooling. Becoming comfortable with tools like pencils and scissors can give your student a leg up in the classroom. Here are some ways that you can help improve your child's fine motor skills to prepare them for the classroom.

3 Easy Elements Of Art Projects For Kindergarteners
Art education can serve a variety of purposes in a young person’s life. Whether to encourage the development of fine motor skills, improve creative problem solving, or offer an opportunity for self-expression, art is a valuable piece of every child’s education. One of the best ways for kindergarteners to improve at art is to focus on activities that teach them the elements of visual art.

Creativity Lights the Way with the Drawing Practice Workbooks
As a parent, teacher, or caregiver, there's a unique joy in watching a child express themselves through art. Imagine giving them a tool that nurtures their creativity while also helping them develop their drawing skills. I’m excited to introduce the Drawing Practice Workbook with Drawing Prompts: Drawing Practice for Kids—a delightful guide designed to inspire young artists to explore their creative potential.

4 Ways Art Can Help You Get Better at Math
Studies prove that a student’s involvement in art education can directly improve their math achievement scores. When it comes to building foundational skills in math, art can provide opportunities for younger children to develop a strong base to build on. These drawing prompt workbooks can help!

5 Absolutely Awesome Ways to Foster Creativity in Homeschooled Children
For many parents, homeschool life provides the flexibility needed to focus on educational endeavors that traditional education opportunities often neglect. Homeschooling serves as an effective method for fostering creativity in the minds of their children. Without the rigid structure and limited curriculum of traditional schooling, homeschooled children have more freedom to embrace hands-on learning while actively working through the creative process.

How to Facebook Like What Your Students Love to Draw
You know how sometimes on social media you “like” something just to be supportive. Come on, we all do it! Well, I’ve been thinking about applying that same concept to the things my students like to draw that drive me crazy! Here's a list of things I am tired of my students drawing all the time:

The 5 Best Ways to Draw Simple Animals
Want to teach your kiddos or students how to draw animals easily? Here are four ways and activities you can use to make drawing animals simple and fun.

Are You Looking for Really Easy Cows to Draw with Oil Pastels?
An encounter with contemporary artist Garret May led me on a journey to introduce my students to the joy of drawing simple cows with a how to draw cows lesson that would become a staple in my art class!