16 Tips for Successful School Art Shows

School art shows are an important part of the educational process, allowing students to showcase their artwork to the public and receive recognition for their hard work. But in order for a school art show to be successful, there are a few key components that need to be in place.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss 16 tips to help you create a successful school art show. From finding the right venue to organizing your displays and promoting the event, these tips will give you the insight and guidance you need to put on a show that your students, parents, and teachers will be proud of.

school art shows

1) Have a Plan

When it comes to hosting a successful school art show, having a plan is key.

Start by thinking through the elementary art show ideas you would like to have at the event. Consider a variety of school art show ideas such as having games, silent auctions, and live entertainment. It’s also important to decide on a date, time, and budget for the show.

As the event approaches, put together an end of year art show schedule that includes the set up, opening and closing times, and any breaks throughout the day. Additionally, make sure to plan ahead with any decorations and snacks that need to be purchased. A well-thought-out plan can help make your school art show successful.

2) Choose the Right Venue

When organizing a school art show, it's important to select the right venue.

It should be big enough to comfortably display all of the artwork and accommodate any attendees. Consider hosting the show at your school or in a public space such as a library or museum. You may also want to look into local galleries or alternative venues that can accommodate larger crowds.

When choosing a venue for an elementary art show, make sure it is age-appropriate and has plenty of room for the art displays. Many schools have classrooms that can be transformed into art galleries for the day.

Other school art show ideas include holding the event in the school gymnasium or cafeteria. For an end of year art show, you may want to look into local parks or community centers as potential venues.

3) Market the Show

Marketing is an important part of a successful school art show. It’s essential to make sure that people know when and where the event will take place and to create some excitement about it.

There are many ways to spread the word about your art show, from traditional methods like flyers, posters, and word-of-mouth to modern methods like social media and email blasts. (I once even got my school district to put it on one of the digital billboards in town.) Consider putting together an elementary art show marketing plan that includes both online and offline tactics.

Start by brainstorming ideas for how to get the word out, such as creating a hashtag, partnering with local businesses, or advertising on popular school websites. Next, consider allocating a budget for materials and paid advertising.

You may also want to consider having student ambassadors who can help spread the word by handing out fliers or wearing special t-shirts on campus. Additionally, you may want to offer incentives or prizes to encourage people to attend.

When it comes to marketing for an end of year art show, it’s important to have a plan in place well in advance of the event. This will ensure that your school art show gets the attention it deserves and that you’ll have a large turnout of art enthusiasts ready to appreciate your students’ artwork.

4) Get the Word Out

When it comes to getting the word out about your school art show, don't underestimate the power of traditional methods. Start by spreading the word among students and faculty at the school. Ask your staff to volunteer to help you. This will automatically ensure you have some attendance at the event.

Make sure that everyone knows the date, time and location of the event. You can also reach out to local newspapers or radio stations to let them know about the show.

Social media is another great way to spread the word about your elementary art show or end of year art show. Post on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media outlets about the event and include relevant hashtags. See if your school and district can use their social media accounts to share about the art show as well. This will help spread the word beyond the school community.

You can also reach out to parents and family members to let them know about the event. Send out fliers in the mail and invite them to come see the art show. Encourage students to create their own marketing materials and flyers, and have them hang up posters around town.

Don’t forget to have letters and flyers sent to parents that have been translated into a language they can read. You should have a point person at your school or within your district, usually someone who works with English Language Learners, who can help with this. If not, see if you can have text translated effectively using the internet.

By doing these simple things, you can make sure that everyone knows about your school art show and help create a successful event!

5) Create an Inviting Atmosphere

Having an inviting atmosphere at your school art show is one of the most important things to consider. An inviting atmosphere will draw people in and make them want to stay longer. There are many elementary art show ideas and school art show ideas that you can use to make your art show stand out. Here are a few tips for creating an inviting atmosphere for your end of year art show:

1) Create a warm, welcoming entrance by using brightly colored decorations. You can also add music to make the atmosphere more inviting.

2) Encourage guests to sign a guest book or take photos of their favorite works of art. This helps to create a sense of community among the attendees.

3) Provide activities such as art-making stations or interactive exhibits to keep people engaged throughout the show.

4) Set up a comfortable seating area with snacks and drinks so that guests can sit and enjoy the show.

5) Invite special guests such as local artists or teachers to add more excitement to the event.

6) Incorporate technology into the show by setting up a digital slideshow of artwork or providing digital access to additional artwork.

By following these tips, you will be able to create an inviting atmosphere for your end of year art show that will draw in visitors and ensure that they have a great time!

6) Have Good Lighting

Good lighting is one of the most important aspects of a successful school art show.

Properly lit artwork will draw attention to the artist’s work and help create an inviting atmosphere. For elementary art show ideas, consider hanging lights around the artwork or setting up a few small lamps. School art shows can also utilize spotlights or use the natural light from nearby windows.

Having a variety of lighting options gives the visitors different perspectives of the artwork. Make sure to keep safety in mind when planning the lighting for your end of year art show. All cords should be out of the way and all lights should be safely plugged into a power source.

7) Display the Work Well

Presenting your artwork in the best light possible is a key component of a successful school art show. When displaying the work, consider a few elementary art show ideas or school art show ideas.

Ensure that you have good lighting to highlight each piece (see above). If the artworks are being hung, use proper hanging materials and don't overcrowd the walls. This can be tricky for an end-of-year art show, when you have lots of artwork to showcase.

In this situation, consider using other surfaces like shelves, tables, or walls to display the pieces. You could also create 3-dimensional displays, like a model city or mobile installation.

Ultimately, having an organized and well-designed display will impress visitors and make the artwork stand out.

8) Have an Opening Reception

An opening reception is a great way to kick off your elementary or school art show. Invite local businesses, art collectors, family, and friends of the artists to join in the celebration.

Consider having a live performance, such as music or dance, to entertain the guests. This can be especially appropriate for end of year art shows! See if you can partner with the music or drama teacher at your school for this.

Provide light refreshments and give a brief presentation about the artwork featured in the show. You can also use this opportunity to discuss how any proceeds from the art sales will be used, such as helping fund future art shows or providing art supplies to underprivileged students. An opening reception is an excellent way to showcase your art and create a special event that attendees won't forget.

9) Have Games

Including games at an elementary school art show or end of year art show can be a great way to get the community involved and generate excitement. Games can range from simple board games to more elaborate activities like an art scavenger hunt.

You can also consider incorporating traditional carnival-style games or competitions like a pop-the-balloon race. With a little creativity, you can even turn the art show into a sort of “Art Olympics” with multiple events to challenge and engage the students. This type of activity could really liven up a school art show. Additionally, prizes for the winners can add an extra layer of fun and make the event more memorable.

10) Have Prizes

Adding prizes to an elementary art show is a great way to get people excited and engaged. It can also be used as an incentive for students to put more effort into their work. The prizes don’t have to be expensive; just something simple like a gift card, certificate of achievement, or even a t-shirt with the school logo can go a long way.

For school art show ideas, consider having the prizes be related to the artwork itself. This could mean awarding the most creative piece, or giving out awards for the best use of color, technique, or perspective.

At the end of the year art show, you could have awards for each grade or have special prizes for the overall winners. This is a great way to make sure everyone gets recognition for their work and makes it even more special.

11) Have Refreshments

When planning your elementary art show or end of year school art show, having refreshments is a great way to encourage more visitors and create an inviting atmosphere.

Consider offering light snacks like cookies, fruit, and veggies for guests to enjoy. You can also set up a small station to make it look more professional and give it a real event-like feel. If you have a larger budget, you could even consider hiring a catering company to provide food and beverages. Having refreshments will definitely add to the success of your school art show and make it more memorable for all involved.

12) Have Entertainment

When planning an elementary or school art show, it is important to think of ways to entertain the guests. This will make them more likely to stay and appreciate the artwork.

As mentioned above, consider having live music, a dance performance, or a comedy act. Depending on the age of the students, you could also have an art-related game show. For end of year art shows, you could hire a caricaturist to draw the guests. Another great idea is to bring in local performers or artists to give demonstrations or talks. All of these are great elementary and school art show ideas that will help make the event fun and memorable for everyone.

13) Have a Live Auction

Adding a live auction to your elementary art show or school art show is an excellent way to raise funds for the arts program. Having an auction also helps create a lively and festive atmosphere that will attract more people to your end-of-year art show.

When planning the auction, it’s important to consider what items you’ll be auctioning off. Artwork from the students is a great option, but you can also consider having live entertainment or offering tickets to special events. You may also consider having teachers, staff, or other community members donate items that can be auctioned off. My school used to have each homeroom create a small collaborative piece for the auction.

Another important consideration is how to organize the auction. It’s important to find a volunteer or two who are willing to lead the auction and keep track of the bids. You should also decide how long you want the auction to run and how much each item will cost.

Having a live auction is a great way to engage your community and encourage them to support your school’s art program. With proper planning and organization, your end-of-year art show will be a successful fundraising event.

14) Have a Silent Auction

A silent auction is one of the best elementary art show ideas and school art show ideas to raise money for the art program. It's an easy way to make extra funds at your end of year art show. Have the students create artwork specifically for the silent auction and get parents and teachers to donate goods or services for bidding. Have signs throughout the event that list the items up for bid and their corresponding start prices. Be sure to have a selection of works by all grade levels. This will give each student a chance to participate and make it easier for guests to find something that resonates with them. Finally, have a table set up to collect bids, and volunteers to explain the process if anyone has questions.

15) Have a Fundraising Goal

When planning an elementary art show or a school art show, it’s important to have a clear fundraising goal in mind. When setting the goal, consider the size of the event and the resources available. Many schools set their goal based on the end of year art show. This will give your school a benchmark to aim for and help ensure that your art show is successful.

Once you’ve set the goal, it’s time to start planning how you’ll reach it. You can do this by setting up booths where people can purchase items related to the art show, such as artwork, art supplies, and t-shirts. It’s also a good idea to host raffles or silent auctions. You may even want to think about offering incentives to attendees, such as discounts or free gifts.

No matter what fundraising activities you decide to include, it’s important to keep your goal in mind and make sure you’re prepared to reach it. With some creativity and planning, you can create a memorable and successful elementary or school art show.

16) Have Sponsors

When organizing a school art show, it’s important to reach out to potential sponsors for financial and material support. Depending on the type of show, sponsors may be willing to donate money to cover costs such as supplies and venue rental fees, or they may provide materials such as display stands or promotional materials.

For elementary art show ideas, consider reaching out to local businesses and organizations who may be interested in sponsoring the event. For end-of-year school art shows, many businesses will be eager to support the program and advertise their products or services through the show. It’s also a great idea to have raffles or auctions at the event where companies can offer prizes. By having sponsors on board, it can take some of the burden off of the school’s budget and make the event a more successful and enjoyable experience for all involved.

Final Thoughts

When planning a school art show, there are many things to consider. By having a plan, choosing the right venue, and marketing the show effectively, you can ensure that your event will be a success. Additionally, it is important to create an inviting atmosphere with good lighting, display the artwork well, and have entertainment, games, prizes, and refreshments.

Furthermore, fundraising goals can be achieved through auctions, sponsorships, and donations. These tips will help you to organize a successful art show for elementary, middle, or high school students at the end of the year. With these ideas in mind, you can ensure that your art show will be a huge success!

I’m Amanda, and I align standards and integrate content to help teachers meet the needs of the Whole Child in art class! I have yet to find a standard that I couldn’t teach through art, and I want to share it all with you.

Not sure where to start with bringing art and content together? This freebie guide is packed with 25 ideas to align your art lessons with math and ELA standards. Your students will be crafting art and practicing algebraic thinking. Win-win!

I want all students to feel successful in the art room, so I created a standards-based Daffodil Collage lesson to do just that! The lesson includes an artist study, student reflection, and more, so push your artists to their full potential.

Follow along on my Instagram page for more tips on teaching the Whole Child in the art room!

Connecting art and content together doesn’t have to be mind-boggling. I’ve made it simple with 25 math and ELA art lesson starters - for free! Plus, I included 15 worksheets for students to reflect on their art-making journey.


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