Party in the Art Room

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5 Innovative Ways to Engage Your Students

One of the biggest stressors for teachers today is figuring out ways to engage your students. There are so many factors to why this is genuinely a struggle for most teachers, especially when it comes to integrating the arts. Whether you’re dealing with an overpacked classroom, students with varying developments of learning, or struggling with the curriculum - you can still transform the way you teach to support all learners! Here are five strategies you can begin implementing in your classroom now.

Why is it hard to integrate arts and keep students engaged?

We’ve all asked this question at some point in our teaching career, so it’s totally normal. The answer, though, is one that most people rarely arrive at. My thoughts about this may differ from yours, but I’ve seen a lot over the years of teaching art to various age and grade groups. For starters, it can be somewhat difficult to understand what it means to truly integrate the arts.

In a nutshell, you can clearly see the integration between your lesson and the arts if what you’re doing can answer this question: What standards am I addressing in both the content and the arts area? The answer to this question should be clearly identifiable.

Another indication that the arts are being integrated is when both the lesson and the arts flow together. One doesn’t necessarily overpower the other and the ending assessment reflects the growth in both the content area and the arts area that was taught.

Why use arts integration for classroom management?

Do any of these questions resonate with you?

  • You have hard-working students who still struggle with daily assignments.

  • You're stressed out about getting everything done.

  • You feel defeated.

  • You notice “difficult” students have a change in character when doing something art-related.

  • You yearn to provide diversity and flexibility in the classroom.

If these stand out to you, keep reading for my pointers on how to keep your students engaged, especially with using arts integration.

5 Innovative Ways to Engage Your Students

Establish a routine.

One of the biggest hiccups for both teachers and students is there being a lack of routine. When you’re not sure what to do next, your students can sense that. Day after day, you and your students develop actions around that mindset. When it comes to creative instruction, it is 100% necessary to build routines. Using attention grabbers is one of my secret weapons!

Check your pacing.

Pacing is one of the secret sauces that guarantee your art lessons are rewarding and comfortable and never chaotic or boring! If you’ve felt like something has been “off” in your classroom, there may be a pacing issue.

Use mini-lessons for management and engagement.

Similar to pacing, setting expectations and preparing students for the lessons ahead is critical for success. When you know what you’re doing, you can confidently communicate the lessons to your students. They, in return, will know what is expected and desire to produce the expected outcome.

Design engaging workspaces.

Every classroom is different, each with its own strengths and weaknesses when it comes to arts integration coursework. From the materials you have hanging on the walls to the placement of students, every inch of your classroom plays a major role in cultivating maximum engagement.

Keep your materials organized.

Say no more to clutter and chaos. Organizing your supplies, materials, and resources will not only help you find what you need quickly, but it will also help your students do the same. There is something about being organized that helps with the overall feel of the classroom!

Classroom Management for Arts Integration: create a classroom environment that is inviting, managed, and supports all learners.

Whether you’re just getting started with your teaching career or looking for innovative ways to engage your students, I created a step-by-step roadmap that will transform the way you teach arts in the classroom.

By the end of this 12-lesson course, you will have a strategic game plan for integrating arts into your classroom without the chaos and clutter you may be experiencing now.

I touch on the 5 strategies mentioned above, plus 7 more that are necessary to help you structure your lessons and how to manage your students.