Party in the Art Room

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How I Actually Accomplished an Open-Ended Art Project with Fifth Graders

I wanted my fifth graders to plan and implement their own project, moving through the entire creative process with minimal creative input from me.

In other words, after having taught these kids for four years, I wanted to sit back and enjoy the fruits of my labor. They would need to devise the project, arrange for the acquisition of materials, create the works, and make all the decisions in between.

Make no mistake, I didn’t just set them loose to do whatever all day long. I had just been introduced to the work of Phil Hansen, so I used a lot of his videos where he is creating with unconventional materials as inspiration.

Then, I spent a lot of time modeling a brainstorming process where I would eliminate ideas for various reasons. I used sketching and list-making in this process.

These students were already used to sketching their ideas after being in my class for several years, but adding the idea of list-making AND eliminating ideas to the mix really increased the rigor. So, we did spend a lot of time on that step: a cycle of modeling, application, feedback.

This was one of the hardest projects I've ever done with kids.

Yet, this was also one of the most engaging and worthwhile endeavors I’ve ever taken on with my students.

I firmly believe this was an experience most of them would not usually have access to at home or at school, which means it had the potential to have really long-term impact on them.

Introducing the Art Project

I introduced the students to Phil Hansen by sharing a few of his Goodbye Art videos on Youtube. I was particularly careful to share these and discuss them with the students because I wanted to emphasize process with them, and I knew some would probably end up with products they weren’t entirely happy with.

I just had to keep emphasizing process, process, process throughout.

Brainstorming and Collecting Materials

Then, I modeled the brainstorming process and how to identify what materials I would need to complete a project. I also modeled writing a plan to accomplish my idea.

Then, I had students do the same. I had them start bringing in materials. I also created a database in Google Docs for them to list materials that they would need but didn't have at home.

I helped them attain those materials and brought in some other random things that I thought they might be able to use. I sent out an email with a list of things the students needed that I couldn't find. Teachers and administrators helped gather up those things.

I had the students store their materials in baskets by table. Each week the class would enter and get their basket. All of the students who sat at a table would have their materials in that basket. I also taught the students how to get out their own paint, clay, plaster wrap, etc.

Take a Look at Some of the Artwork the Students Created

Be sure to hover over each image to learn more about it.

Other Ideas the Students Brought to the Table

One student brought a turtle shell that had been sitting in his garage for years. (You can find an image in the gallery above. It’s part of the collage with the guitar.) He painted it. It was cool.

Another student made a mobile out of cans. I helped him spray paint them white so that he could splatter paint them. It turned out really cool, too. I would've loved for my child to make that and bring it home. It was cool enough that I would have hung it in my backyard for a season.

There was another student that brought a book jacket that she painted over and created her own book cover. I thought that was a really good idea. She said she wanted to write her own children's book someday. (I wish I'd had time to help her write it, but there are only so many hours in a day!)

This image shows the variety of ways students worked on their projects. It shows collaboration too.

Anyway, I know you can see by the photos that when I said they had to plan and implement their OWN project idea, I meant it. If I ever do this again, I will remember what I learned. If you would like to try this with your own students, make sure you keep these things in mind.

So, here are my takeaways from this:

1. This is definitely developmentally appropriate for fifth graders. However, I won't ever let it be the very first project of the year again. I feel that I need more time to establish rules and procedures before giving them so much freedom.

2. The planning part took about three weeks to complete. I only have my classes for around 50 minutes each week. So, this was a considerable amount of time. I would set a deadline and clearly communicate this to the students next time. I think they should be able to do this in one class period if they are on task.

3. I ended up gathering materials for 150 kids. It was unbelievably demanding. That Google Doc of needs got way out of hand. I think having the students complete a project in a small group would accomplish the same goal with less random materials. However, I will have to be very diligent in making sure one or two students aren't doing all of the work. I think I could put some time in up front to group the students in a meaningful way, which would help to prevent that issue.

4. I might ask for parent/community volunteers next time too. There was so much going on at once that an extra set of adult hands would have been helpful.

What do you think? Have you ever taught something like this? How did it go? What are your takeaways? I'd love to hear from you!