Cactus (and Succulent) Art Project
This is one of the most beautiful projects ever! The cactus and succulent imagery is super engaging to kids. This is an art project where anyone can be successful. This art lesson for kids is bright, colorful, fun, and will display well in your classroom or school.
Cactus Art Project for Kids
Timeframe: Four-45 minute sessions
Grade Level: 4th
I absolutely love Denise M. Logan's Dynamic Art Projects for Children. I refer to it often, and that is where the idea for this lesson originated. However, I really enjoy adding my own twist on the projects. I also enjoy letting my students add theirs.
Here's what we did:
The students drew the cactus in pencil on a sheet of 11x14 white drawing paper. They divided each pad of the cactus into two or three sections. They used construction paper crayons to first color each section a different color, then to draw designs. They referenced the Anchor Chart for Pattern to get ideas for those designs.
(Also, this awesome project requires an awesome amount of gluing. Check out one of our best tricks of the trade for getting kids to use a glue bottle properly and effectively!)
I asked the students to use the same crayon for drawing designs that they used for coloring. I wanted them to see that there is a difference in coloring and drawing with a crayon. I also wanted them to see how different amounts of pressure on the crayon can create different effects.
They used Crayola Twistables to trace around the edge of the cactus and each pad. Also, throughout this lesson, students were required to use the correct vocabulary for the parts of a cactus.
Drawing and coloring the cactus took about one- 45 minute session.
Next, the students cut out the cactus and glued it to a sheet of 11x14 black construction paper. They had to make sure that the bottom of the cactus lined up with the bottom edge of the construction paper.
They used a lot of different kinds of paper to make the spines: origami, scrapbook, construction, wrapping paper, painted scraps, etc. They had to cut each spine (a triangle shape) individually to get the desired look. When they tried to cut out a strip of triangles connected at the bottom (looked like monster teeth), they couldn't properly glue it to the rounded pads of the cactus. They did find that it was easiest and quickest to fold the paper and cut several spines at once. Then they would put drops of glue around the pad and place several spines at a time. Instead of cut one spine, add one drop of glue, place spine, cut another, drop of glue, place spine...You get the idea.
It took at least two- 45 minute sessions to cut and glue all of the spines
I had to stress to the students that it was okay if their spines stuck off the edge of the paper. I didn't want them to let the size of the paper confine their artwork.
The final touch was to use puff paint to draw more designs on the cactus. I also stressed to them that they were using the paint to draw MORE designs, not to trace the designs that were already drawn.
This took one-45 minute session.
One good thing about this lesson is that the students work together, which develops appropriate social skills. They have to discuss their ideas and come to some sort of agreement before they can complete the work. For instance, they have to figure out if everyone gets to work on two sections of the cactus and do them the way they want. Or, if they all must work on every section and agree on the colors, style, etc. This may seem like small fries to some people, but art teachers know that this is a major skill that students gain from their art classes. (You know I can't resist throwing in a little advocacy when the opportunity presents itself!)
If you LOVE this project, you’ll definitely want to read about the COLLABORATIVE version! Check it out here!