5 Things Teachers Definitely Shouldn’t Feel Guilty About

Teachers, the job is hard. The world has no idea how hard it really is. You do your best at the millions of things you have to do everyday. Don’t you ever feel guilty about these 5 things that happen to us all.

1. Ordering Lunch to Eat in Front of Students

Of course, they will wish they could have some. They can’t though, because they aren’t adults who can order lunch at their jobs. It is important for students to understand the boundaries between being a child and an adult. They can’t just drive a car because they wish they could. We have a rule about that. They have to be a certain age. Same thing here. What you are having for lunch is your business! So, don’t feel guilty about ordering out. Just do it! Try to look at it as a job perk that you get to order out, one of few adult-type things you get to enjoy about your job. If you aren’t allowed to order out, put together a letter to your admin and have some other teachers sign it. List positive, morale-boosting benefits to this perk and share. Compare it to drinking coffee. The students don’t drink coffee all day, but you can because you are an adult.

2. Not Responding to Every Email

Sometimes it is just easier to tell the person face-to-face what they need to hear. Sometimes the email doesn’t even pertain to you. Sometimes you need to reply with a full response. Sometimes you need to respond with a short phrase or one-word. Don’t feel guilty about doing what you need to do to make sure all of the primary functions of your job are taken care of. I used to worry about responding to every email. Now, I skim some and make note of the information, but I don’t always respond. You can make a judgment call as to what type of response is needed. Prioritize emails that need it. Then, let it go. Don’t take it home.

3. Not Checking Emails at Home

School emails are not for home! This is an easy boundary to set. If you don’t check the email, you won’t feel obligated to respond. Number 2 will take care of itself. If there is an expectation, even an unwritten one, at your school that teachers check and respond to emails from home. Ignore it. Or, better yet, offer up the excuse that you have a busy life outside of teaching which also requires your attention. You simply may not have the time to do it. Let that be enough said on the matter. Whatever you do, don’t feel guilty about not checking your school email at home!

4. Taking a Moment (or Several) to Reset the Class

The pressure to stick to a schedule is REAL! The pressure to account for every minute of instructional time is real too. However, instruction is pointless when you don’t have a class that is ready to learn. If things get unruly and shady in your classroom, reset. Take a brain break. Have a quiet time. Do what needs to be done in the best interest of the students. If admin come in to observe, justify your decision. Have an answer prepared that includes how you are doing what is best for the learners who needed to reset before they can attend to instruction. Your admin will either understand or they won’t, but as long as you did what was best for your students you won’t have to feel guilty.

5. Harshly Correcting a Student

Everyone wants to do right by students. Teachers work hard to be firm, fair, and consistent. However, teachers are all human. Sometimes you might snap a little. Sometimes you use sarcasm without thinking. Little mishaps in your interactions with students shouldn’t make you feel guilty. It is okay to make mistakes. It is okay to apologize for your mistakes. Students give respect to adults who can own up to their mistakes. Don’t beat yourself up over little things. Just make it right and move on.

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What do you think? What else should teachers never feel guilty about? Let us know in the comments.

While you are here, I’d love to share some teacher-funnies with you. Check out a few of my favorite “laugh to keep from crying” teacher treats below.

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